12 October 2010


00h37a.m, I am hungry.
I am a light eater, I do everything lightly- life, skin, sleep and food.
My neighbour extended a goodwill gesture by inviting me to a night time braai.
'Sure!' I lied. I didn't know it then I was lying, I had intentions to go and make her happy.
The Cape heavens have been leaking lately so making the night cold and wet.
To prove my serious intention to go to the braai, I didnt cook and had a slice of bread with left over chicken.
I was really anticipating feasting on this braai'd offering.
I waited for my friend to return from night shift and we'd go together.

When she arrived, we wasted no time, sayitshaya isaqhuma - we smoked it while it was smoky.
We braced ourselves and braved the biting Cape Town air to visit the neighbour. Hunger proppelled us forward.

We trudged towards our destination, after passing the two houses between our home and the neighbours house, we finally arrived.
When our knocks went unanswered, we persisted, or else we would have our intestines to answer to.
I even went as far as going around to the back of the house and lightly tapped on the window to one of the brightly lit rooms.
The music was blaring inside, courtesy of the Music Lounge show on government television.
No, they couldnt have been ignoring our knock, I refuse that particular train of thought.

We promptly got our plate and were out of their hair. We didnt wanna disturb the drunken sleep of the head of that home, who slept (sitting position, head cradled in the palm of his hand) on the sofa amidst the blaring noise from the TV.

The martriach lay in the double bed with the youngest male member of the brood.

We rushed back home and opened the sealed platter. A piece of red meat, and chicken with charred skin.
My disappointment was evident, why make a braai without salad?
The poor chicken and red meat animal laid their lives as ultimate sacrifice for human consumption. Hay'!
Hence it is now 01h01 a.m, and I am hungry.

In my hungry state, a thought passed through my mind.
How does cooked human flesh taste? Would cannibals eat the flesh with the skin? Would they call the head a smiley like we do to the sheep's head?

My friend got disturbed by the thought and went to sleep. I wouldnt cook her anyways, she shouldnt flatter herself...

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