03 October 2011

ABC's of living

A. Ask. Always ask questions. It is the path to knowledge
B. Be. Be true to yourself
C. Cry. Yes, it is okay to cry. It does not make you less of a man
D. Do. Do the right thing
E. Empathy. Try to imagine yourself in the other person’s shoes
F. Fairness. Strive for fairness and equality
G. God. There is a larger Being above human beings. Some call it God
H. Honesty. Be honest and truthful
I. Independence. Make up your own mind on what you do/think/believe
J. Justice. Treat others justly and observe the justice of the land
K. Karma. What you do will come back to you
L. Laugh. Be willing to let go and laugh at yourself
M. Money. It is not the most important thing in life. It comes and goes, so save some
N. Nature. Treat nature with respect and preserve it before it becomes extinct
O. Open mind. Always keep an open mind and keep learning
P. Practice. When you have a passion and want to excel in it, practice
Q. Quit. Never quit. When you fail, try again
R. Respect. Respect yourself. Respect others and their opinions even if you disagree or do not like them
S. Smile. It brightens the day and lightens the mood
T. Travel. Travel out of you comfort zone. Go and learn of new places, people, foods and languages
U. Up. Always keep your head up
V. Values. Formulate your values and assess them, mostly, stick by them
W. Worth. You are worthy. Know your self worth and don’t berate yourself
X. Xcuse me. Excuse me. Please. Thank you. These are the magic words, remember to use them
Y. You. Believe in you as I do
Z. Zzz’s. get in a few zzz’s, its good for your wellbeing


  1. Funny, interesting and cool V, great commandments

  2. this is such an enjoyable read. thanks for sharing Vuyo

  3. I thank you,all! Its lessons I want to pass to my kids in the near future!I thank you,all! Its lessons I want to pass to my kids in the near future!


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