14 January 2015

Do you know the secret?


The secret to life? What is your secret to living?
Belief in a higher power, belief in a cause, a belief in a better tomorrow, these are some the secrets to living.
The belief that you were placed here on Earth in order to fulfill a purpose that only you could realise.
Have you found your purpose?
What is purpose? Is it waking up early at dawn, going through traffic, to make a profit for someone else? (can you detect the jaded tone?)

Something is happening to me, a new lease on life given to me.
One day in October 2014, a friend visited me, asking to borrow some reading material. I went through the bag containing some books, I gave him a copy of Nadine Gordimer's "the conservationist" (a book which I did not finish).
As I rummaged through the bag of 2nd books I had bought years ago, I came across a copy of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki.

I picked it up, and read through it. This would be my second time reading the book, the first time I didn't get through the whole book. But this time, I was engrossed. I could not put it down, I couldn't wait to turn to the next page, to the next chapter. Before I knew it, I had finished reading the whole book in the space of one week.The book just resonated with me at this time, in this journey with the Get Rich Savings Club. I have shared the book, and I can hardly wait to get it back to re-read it again, at a slower pace.
The book isn't just financial advice, but it also contains some philosophical gems, such as "it is easier to change yourself than anyone else." The book even has an aspect on how positive thoughts lead to positive results.

Then, I was reading up online, on financial articles, and looking up inspiring quotes when I came across the book "the Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. This book I had read in High School. I downloaded it, and tried to read one chapter a day. I read online about visualisation, affirmations, and ways to improve living. And through this journey I came upon an online copy of "THE Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, which I downloaded. For some reason, the PDF file of this book wouldn't open, so I didn't get to read it then. I continued to read up online about the Secret.

Then this January, my little boy was on my p.c, watching cartoon dvd's. And in the background, of the many screens that were open, was the copy of the Secret, which I had downloaded last year. It was open. I could read it. At that moment I was filled with infinite gratitude and love towards my genius son. I haven't as yet read through the whole book.

What is the Secret?
The secret is the LAW OF ATTRACTION!

Your thoughts, create feelings, and these thoughts and feelings then attract similar experiences/circumstances which validate your thoughts and feelings.

Thoughts become things.

Here is to 2015, and to living THE SECRET!

~Look Good Think Good Speak Good Feel Good Live Good~

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